Marriage Skills Matter More than Knowing the Filipina you Marry

4 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

For those of you who have not had as much experience in dating as you’d like but still want to get married, I hope this video will encourage you. Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea, a channel about finding and experiencing marital love. See the description box for my Word Press blog and the Community Message forums.

Since my Filipina wife and I got married swiftly, in only 54 days, you know as well as I do that there was a lot that we didn’t know about each other. I don’t believe we got married hastily or haphazardly, we were two adults who made a decision, a big one, to trust God it would work out, relying on His help.

We each had needs and we were willing to meet each other’s needs. We did not shut our minds off in making this big decision. Subscribe to this channel; I want to help men see the value in marrying a Filipina or any woman and help them from my own experience to have a lasting marriage with them.

I have seen people say it should take so many years or so much time to date someone in order to know enough about them. I understand where they are coming from, I might be able to debate their position. On the other hand, I admit to saying one time that if you don’t know within three weeks someone is a good marriage candidate then you are asking the wrong questions.

Sounds presumptuous, preposterous, short-sighted, maybe dim-witted I suppose. Although this video isn’t about getting married quickly per se, I should expound a little bit on the three-week statement, even though this video is focusing on the importance of knowing about marriage, which is even more important than knowing everything about your wife. Some things you need to know right away, some things can wait.

I believed that I could find out what I needed to know in three weeks of concentrated effort to find out what I needed to know. I wasn’t expressing the idea that you could hang out with each other watching television or hanging out with friends and discover your compatibility. This also assumes a strong desire to get married on the part of the woman.

Frankly, that part I found elusive. I want to clarify that, and in that context the statement stands, about three weeks being enough to know if there is potential there. I am sure that many will still think it is absurd. Watch the video and find out why it is so important to have marriage skills-relationship game, here on Love Beyond The Sea.

#RelationshipGame #MarriageSkills #FilAmMarriage

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