Will Anyone Love Me Romantically? What do I do?-DR. PHILippines

4 years ago

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Will anyone love me romantically? What do I do? How can I stop feeling that no one will ever love me or want me romantically? Let’s talk a little tonight about the desire to be romantically linked to someone but so far that hasn’t happened yet. I think romance, at least to me, involves two people being together who are strongly linked together by virtue of being committed to each other. They make plans together, they help each other when they need it, they make plans with each other, they give and they take.

While I think the sexual aspect can be a part of this, I don’t think it’s the main part of it. Please watch the video for some perspective on what to do when lacking a romantic involvement with someone and what that even is.
To me, simply having my wife to come home to and find something to do together is romantic, just having dinner together can be romantic, watching television can be romantic. I wish I had the answer for exactly how to find that person to be romantic with but I don’t, you must keep looking. I had to do that for a very long time as you know from my videos.

This video is simply about acknowledging the pain of being alone and for you to hear that you must keep looking, and keep learning while you look. As always, your comments are welcome.

#RomanticLove #RelationshipQuestions #LoveQuestions

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