Go Where You're Wanted (GWYW) to Find a Wife

4 years ago

My new website- https://lvbts.com
Great gratitude to MrE for designing this website! Now you actually have a way to contact him yourself, but don’t forget he is still the most secretive man in the world!

Link for the Love Beyond The Sea Community Corner https://riot.im/app/#/group/+lvbtscommunitychat:matrix.org

This is where I found my Filipina wife- click here https://www.christianfilipina.com?affid=1096

Contact me at lovebeyondthesea4you@gmail.com

Aiza’s YouTube channel The Fil-Am Essence channel address https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcF4rRwruFh1Z65djyfuNpg

Link to the Bitchute.com site https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TQQnEOnJkOGv/

Love Beyond The Sea Twitter for tweets from the videos + my favorite love songs https://twitter.com/LoveBeyondThSea

Love Beyond The Sea Facebook Like my Facebook Page https://facebook.com/LoveBeyondTheSea

Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina https://youtu.be/HeUpxPTYCC8

Go where you’re wanted to find a wife. How do you feel when you are somewhere you are not wanted? What does it make you feel like when you’re supposed to be welcomed there, only to feel like an outcast?

Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea, stop by lvbts.com and look around the new website with the message forum. There is something new that you might have noticed already in this video, did you notice what that was?

It’s in the first nine seconds. It’s in the intro. No, Aiza and I are still there, we are still together. A new name change? It isn’t that, I like Love Beyond The Sea too much. I want to tell you what this is about and what it means for this channel.

Instead of showing Foreigner and Filipina Relationships like usual, now you will see “Go Where You’re Wanted”. Huh? Go Where You’re Wanted (GWYW) means that I will not be limiting men all over the world by exclusively emphasizing women from the Philippines.

I think what I am trying to accomplish goes beyond helping a man finding a Filipina, like I did five years ago, which I still want to do, but I want men to “Go Where You’re Wanted” and that could be anywhere in the world.

Watch the video for more on this subtle but important change in Love Beyond The Sea.

#GWYW #MarriageTalk #MarriageHelp #lvbts

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