how does operant conditioning work?

2 years ago

There are two main components in operant conditioning:reinforcement and punishment.Reinforcers make it more likely that you'll do something again,while punishers make it less likely.Reinforcement and punishment can be positive or negative,but this doesn't mean good and bad.Positive means the addition of a stimulus,like getting dessert after you finish your veggies,and negative means the removal of a stimulus,like getting a night of no homework because you did well on an exam.Let's look at an example of operant conditioning.After eating dinner with your family,you clear the table and wash the dishes.When you're done, your mom gives you a big hug and says, Thank you for helping me.In this situation, your mom's response is positive reinforcement if it makes you more likely to repeat the operant response,which is to clear the table and wash the dishes.

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