r3tard play rando rpg maker games 31(Soul Survivor2)

2 years ago

-press a key cannot be clicked
-need to see what skill do and the mp cost before grabbing item
-cant target scorpion at 35:25
-id like to see what l unlock when l learn a passive skill, otherwise ill need to learn just to make me reload
-last area before demo end had no items
-people are just going to reload if you make them able to save when you die once and you dont have 3 lives if you have to remake the character after dying once
-it looks like there is no healing skills except salve so youre dependent on potions if you dont take salve at the beginning*the 2 other choices are completely useless compared to healing
-mp to do damage is weaker than just attacking and do around the same damage, also no tp skills that get boosted by magic damage which make tp useless for a mage
-not enough mana regen when trying to just do mp damage, youre forced to go physical and take atk while if going physical you dont need mag to do anything, only healing would be better but you have enough mana to heal either way
-secrets dont look randomized, got the same thing twice
-cure doesnt worth the 3 mp, lower to 1mp
-last boss before mines dont give xp which could be used to gain skills you want to keep

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