Episode 6: Fake Wannabe Tough Guy Gunner Talked "Ish" To The Wrong Guy - Total Wimp Wusses Out.

2 years ago

Breaking News! Last weekend, Lindbloom the LIAR, insulted and physically threatened a friend of this channel, which as we all know, is just hot air from a windbag.

But this time, he messed with the WRONG guy. Our friend - we'll call him Jason, challenged Gummer the candy-ass to an MMA match, and even offered to put up 15k of his own money, to candy-asses 5k. Old Puss in Boots bitched out, and has been making excuses and has now blocked Jason from his channel, so he can still talk shit about him, but he can't reply and defend himself. This video will give you the play by play. Enjoy!

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