Dissolve NanoBacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum)

2 years ago

NanoBacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum)
An audacious theory proposes the existence of a novel form of life—the nanobacteria (NB)—that is quite different from the ones already known but is capable of infecting and damaging other beings, thus qualifying them as new agents of emerging infectious diseases.

According to their discoverers ], NB are very minute bodies ranging in size from 20 to 500 nm, the smaller ones filterable through membranes with 100-nm pores, and are observable by scanning electron microscopy or transmission electron microscopy, where they appear as spheres or rods. Many others have observed such bodies in diverse substrates and have called them nanoforms, nanobacteria, nanoparticles, nano-organisms, nanobes, living nanovesicles, microfossils, etc. The hallmark of NB is their more or less thick coat of apatite, which is formed from soluble calcium and phosphorus compounds in their environment or medium.

Many researchers reported NB in association with a variety of pathological calcifications, notably nephrolithiasis cholecystolithiasis, vascular plaques, valvular calcification, psammoma bodies in ovarian cancers, mammary cancer, and breast implant contracture, osteoarthritis, chronic prostatitis and prostate stones, and periodontal disease. NB has also been implicated in intervertebral disk degeneration, polycystic kidney disease, reduced bone density in HIV, and peripheral neuropathy.

Self-replicating nanobacteria that seek to become the host in the body avatar responsible for many health problems.

Once in the blood seeks to set up shop in the nose throat lungs brain-heart the gut & the surface of the skin from there further expansion takes place.
(Biofilm -egg hatching)

Their small size means they are able to enter the body and potentially interfere with important functions of living organisms.

Listen 1-2x every day for 30 days wait 2 weeks then resume again for another 30 days make sure to drink extra purified water after listening to flush out the die-off of nano bacteria.

Add a quarter teaspoon creme of tarter to 16.9 fl oz bottle of water shake it up then drink 2-4 times a week.

Biofilm Disruptors are agents that are able to penetrate and destruct or alter these networks. Enzymes are needed for almost all biological reactions in the human body. Proteolytic enzymes are a group of enzymes used to breakdown protein peptides and are used to reduce inflammation in the body by breaking down inflammatory proteins, break down clot-forming fibrin in the blood, and also breakthrough biofilms disrupting their secure network. Common proteolytic or systemic enzymes are Protease, Papain, Bromelain, Trypsin, and Chymotrypsin to which can be used to successfully breakdown the biofilm barrier to allow anti-fungal or antimicrobial treatment to be more successful.

Another very important Biofilm disruptor is the antioxidant functioning amino acid N-Acetyl-Cysteine or NAC. This compound is prevalent in therapeutic foods like bone broth and is known to promote the expelling of toxins and mucus that is produced during a compromised immune state such as that of a cold or allergies. NAC’s ability to aid in detoxification and encapsulation of toxins in preparation for removal is likely the mechanism in which it works to prevent biofilm formation essentially breaking them down and separating them up. It also works to produce the most potent antioxidant Glutathione for availability in the body. Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in the body and aids in the detoxification process that must occur during and post bacterial or fungal treatment to cleanse unwanted toxins given off by pathogens.

When viewing the role of biofilms in bacterial imbalance, it is important to understand a simple antibiotic or anti-fungal compound whether natural or pharmaceutical may be rendered useless if the biofilm structure is sound. It is essential to have proteolytic enzymes to break down the bacterial foundation in conjunction with N-Acetyl-Cysteine to support encapsulation, excretion, and protection with the production of antioxidant support. In this way during the hacking of the bacterial network, the pathogen or harmful bacterial or yeast strain is left exposed and vulnerable to the antibacterial or anti fungal compound allowing complete eradication and ability to reset a healthy gut microbiome.

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