Understanding Python: Exceptions and try/except

4 years ago

In this video, I go over exceptions, tracebacks, and how to handle them with try/except.
Included in the lesson is an overview of what exceptions are, how they differ from syntax errors, how to raise exceptions and create your own. Also, you'll learn how to handle multiple exceptions and how to use try's else and finally to gain greater logic flow.
As always, if you have any questions or suggestions for future videos, please leave a comment down below.

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JakeJCallahan
Source: https://github.com/JacobCallahan/Understanding/
Timelapse music: 失望した by Eva
Link: https://youtu.be/jVTsD4UPT-k
Outro music: Elix by Synthness
Link: https://youtu.be/yEhj3leVJeY

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