Here We go With You're Stupid...

2 years ago

These folks really have found a guppy audience...
Pesticide residues were detected in 59% of US food samples tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in its most recently completed annual testing program, the agency revealed in a new report.

For several years, rumors have been circulating online and through society concerning the presence of the weed killer, glyphosate (trade name Roundup) in breastmilk, but that’s all that they are —rumors. In actuality, the issue has been investigated with proper scientific technique and found to be a non-issue. Glyphosate is not present in dangerous, or even borderline dangerous, concentrations in the breast milk of women from a wide range of locations and situations.

Anti-pesticide activist and ally to corrupt trial lawyers Carey Gillam did her utmost to undermine the FDA report in an August 11 piece for the New Lede titled FDA says 59% of US foods tested contain pesticide residues. Let’s look at the numbers and then take a scalpel to Gillam’s sorry attempt at science journalism.

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