You're The Cure, July 20, 2020

2 years ago

On today’s show, Dr. Ben discusses the peace pillar with Abraham John. Dr. Ben begins the show by explaining why the peace pillar is the foundational pillar to each of the others...for true health. Abraham begins by sharing his story and how he has gotten to where he is today. Abraham explains how most people are actually confused because they don’t understand God’s true calling on their lives. When people don’t feel a purpose, they don’t feel peace. Abraham goes through God’s purpose for creating humans on Earth, and how life doesn’t work if we don’t follow His original blueprint. Everything God has created has a place, purpose, and function. There are 3 fundamental questions each human has to answer in order to be ready to fulfill their purpose - Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Each of us are created with the same purpose, but with different callings. Abraham explains what being born again means, and they both discuss the blockages that come from fear. Our purpose is connected to Earth in this life and the life to come. They both discuss how God meets each of our needs when we devote ourselves to His purpose. Abraham finishes by explaining the fallacies in church vs. Kingdom. Together they talk about the resources available to the listeners to learn more about the Kingdom.

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