Update on the Tomatoes and Chilli Plants

2 years ago

I've grown a nation of different types of tomato and chilli plants this year and the varieties include:
Moneymaker Tomato
Sungold Tomato
Piccolo Tomato
Green Sausage Tomato
Purple Russian Tomato
Atomic Grape Tomato
Sweet Millions Tomato
Plus various others which I can't remember the names of and early season my NFT hydroponic systems had loads of Micro Tomato plants in them. They matured very fast as I planted them in early February so they were just about finished when I started the main crop of larger plants.
The Chilli plants include the following although the labels all got washed off so I can't recognize them all:
Thunder Mountain Chilli
Chitepin Chilli
Jalapeno Chilli
Yellow Scorpion Chilli
Armageddon Chilli
Apache Chilli
California Reaper Chilli
Plus some more I can't remember....
This harvest shown in the video made 3 x 500ml pasta sauce, 1 x salsa and 1 x chilli sauce - all the ingredients were from the garden except salt, pepper and lemon juice. The same day I made soup from potatoes, leeks, onions, garlic, carrots and herbs - all from the garden and it served 5 people.

Having a garden is awesome......and it's super important since food shortages are inevitable with the insane march toward Agenda 2030 and Net Zero - Remember, you are the Carbon they want to reduce and the likes of the WEF are doing everything to ensure a famine forces uninformed people to beg for their pre-prepared 'solution'.
By growing our own food we can supplement our diets with organic produce and rely less on corporations who put profit over health.
Production of food and power is essential if we're going to navigate the forced changes which will affect the majority of the world's population - and it's not too late to get started.
If enough people wake up the Agenda 2030 nonsense simply will not happen.
Turn off the TV, disengage from 'social' media and get to work - nothing is more important than our families and health as without them we have nothing.
Growing lots of food is easy and cheap once the infrastructure is in place so there is no excuse - you will NOT regret making the effort and it's a situation where you're better to be a year or two early than a day late.

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Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@ThousandYardStare:e
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1824507
To be honest I've not much idea of what Rumble is or does but it seems quite popular among people more tech-savvy than me....and somehow plenty of people have already found the videos judging by the views (and 'Rumbles'?).
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