Yes LORD - COGIC Prayer Chant - Church Of GOD In CHRIST Anthem - Lizz Veron

2 years ago

The Church Of GOD in CHRIST Anthem - Yes LORD as sung by my mom Lizz Veron

*Somebody say yes, yes, ohhhh yes, ohhhhh yes, yes*
My soul says yes,
Yes, Yes, yes, mhhhhhh ah yes, yes
(Come on Zion I know you saved but give JESUS a real yes.)
Yes Lord, I said yes Lorrrdddddddd ohhhhhhhhh yessssss, ohhhhh yes
(Life really begins when you forsake all sin and say yes to JESUS)
Have your way, have your wayyyyyy, LORD have your way, have your way LORD, please have your way
(And when you give him his way you will be able to say)
Well he brought me out (out of sin) yes he brought me out (out of poverty) he brought me out (out of sickness)
ohhh he brought me out (out of mental illness) yes yes LORD.

And I want to, i want to, thank you LORD, (For Peace of Mind) yes thank you LORD, (for fixing all our problems) ohhhh thank you LORD, I thank you LORD, I thank you LORD (why we thanking HIM now?)
YOu made a wayyyyyy (a way out of no way), Yes you made a wayyyyyyyy, you made a wayyyyyyy, (one more time like oyu mean it HOLY SPIRIT you are welcome in this place) you made a way, yessssss LORD

Yes LORD, my soul says Yes Lord, ohhhhh I ah Yes LORD, oh yes, oh Yes, Yes LORD.

*As best as my research could find Bishop Charles Harrison Mason was born in 1866 in Tennessee and was the son of former enslaved Black People.* Early in his youth Bishop Mason told his family he didn't want to preach he just wanted to be a regular church member. At somewhere between 12 years old and 14 years old Satan attacked his body with Tuberculosis which was sometimes called Consumption or T.B. during the 1880 Tuberculosis and Yellow Fever Epidemic.

In those days People classified as Black People were denied medical attention in many areas of the southern United States and Bishop Mason's father had died from an infectious disease. Some reports say it was T.B. some reports say it was Yellow Fever but whatever it was Satan was to blame. Bishop Mason's mother was now a widow.

When they were living in Arkansas they went to a Baptist Church that did believe that Divine Healing was for us today which was later called Mount Gale Missionary Baptist Church. The church members prayed fervently and He was miraculously healed. He believed that "GOD called him into full-time ministry from then on" in other words he said "Yes LORD"

Minister Mason at the time was inspired by Amanda Berry Smith's autobiography and how she believed in Christian People practicing Holiness. The teaching of holiness and sanctification (meaning the subsequent process of living a sinless life through the empowerment of The HOLY SPIRIT to live right and to perform good works) was not accepted in the local Baptist circles and Minister Mason was expelled.

In 1897 Bishop Mason had a vision and the name of his church was called The Church Of GOD in CHRIST. In 1907 he went to investigate the Azusa Street Revival which was led by William J. Seymour. Reports emerged that people who went to the revival were testifying "I am saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost."

People were being miraculously healed and many more amazing demonstrations of GOD's Goodness through the power of The HOLY SPIRIT were regularly reported. Just as so many others, Bishop C.H Mason was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT with the evidence of speaking in tongues just as the Scriptures teach we should seek to be.

This is another example where Bishop Mason said Yes to the LORD.

COGIC was incorporated in 1907. The Church Of GOD In CHRIST became the largest Holiness-Pentecostal church denomination in the United States.

From COGIC which is a denomination of predominantly Black People came the Assemblies Of GOD which is a denomination of predominately White People. In 2013 the leadership of the Assemblies Of GOD met with the leadership of COGIC as a show of unity in CHRIST JESUS which was the first time an event like this occurred since the church split so long ago.

Today in 2022 COGIC has approximately 5 million members in the United States and 8 million members approximately worldwide. The Assemblies of GOD has approximately 3,000,000 Members in the United States and approximately 55,000,000 members worldwide. According to various sources.

*For more information, the book Bishop C. H. Mason and the Roots of the Church of God in Christ by Bishop Ithiel C Clemons is available and may provide more clarification to the information I was able to find:*

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