Magnesium Breakthrough

2 years ago

Sleep Problems
Insomnia skyrockets as the world goes crazy
Sleep problems skyrocket as the world goes crazy
Millions can’t sleep as the world goes crazy
Google confirms: Millions can’t sleep as the world goes crazy
World events keeping you up at night? You’re not alone
Can’t sleep? THIS is why (you’re not alone)

If you can’t sleep because of all the craziness going on in the world, you’re not alone.

Millions of Americans are feeling anxious and stressed out right now.
And it’s robbing them of their sleep!
How do I know this?
Because Google searches for “insomnia” and “can’t sleep” recently reached all-time highs.[2
Stress will destroy your sleep.
It can keep you lying awake for hours.
And if you do fall asleep, stress will keep you tossing and turning until daybreak.
Worse, it can quickly turn into a downward spiral that looks like this…

●          Stress prevents you from sleeping.

●          Lack of sleep increases your stress hormones.

●          Elevated stress hormones make it harder to sleep!
See how this vicious cycle works?
Thankfully, there’s 1 “Master Mineral” that naturally eases stress and anxiety so you can sleep deeply again.
Hardly anybody gets enough of this “Master Mineral.”
In fact, 80 to 90 percent of Americans are severely deficient![3]
The good news is, it’s an easy problem to fix once you know what to do…

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