Foods to Lower LDL Cholesterol Quickly

2 years ago
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Foods to Lower LDL Cholesterol Quickly

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At the present time, no one can possibly deny the popularity of processed food which is typically high in trans-fats. There is also the problem of fast food chains, which serve food that is rich in high fat and calories. This increases the risk of more people contracting cardiovascular diseases. For this reason people should be more careful what they eat, especially the people who have diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular disease. Having realized that there are foods which have increased their LDL cholesterol problems, many have now begun to accept that nature also provides foods to lower LDL cholesterol.

Even though there are indeed many unhealthy foods on the market, there are fortunately foods that will help you maintain a low cholesterol level. These foods are generally rich in High-Density Lipoprotein or good cholesterol. HDL is one of the most important nutrients for our body. One of the reasons is because HDL balances and lowers the Low Density Lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol, and therefore reduces its effect on the body.

This will, in turn, decrease the percentage of people developing atherosclerosis (the plaque build-up within the main arteries). In order to help you take good care of your heart here are some examples of excellent foods that are rich in good cholesterol, to lower LDL cholesterol.

The relationship between HDL and LDL cholesterol is a well-known predictor of the potential risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact there is now much research to prove that with regard to coronary heart disease that it is HDL levels which are a more important predictor of the risk of CHD, regardless of whether the LDL levels are high or low.

So if you are willing to change your diet and try low cholesterol meals, here are some foods which will help to lower cholesterol quickly:-

Fish, in particular the dark torpedo-shaped varieties are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. This helps to lower LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Aside from this, it helps in effectively increasing the HDL cholesterol level and at the same time decreasing the LDL cholesterol level. The American Heart Association has backed up this fact by suggesting that everyone has at least 2 servings of fish every week. The fish with the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids are sardines, salmon, mackerel, herring and trout. If your physician has diagnosed you with a high triglyceride levels and you do not eat fish, it is recommended to take 2 - 4 g of Fish Oil supplements per day, under the supervision of your physician.

Oats are rich in soluble fiber. This type of fiber is unique because it can lower the level of LDL cholesterol without affecting the HDL cholesterol. The FDA has given an authorization on health claims about oat products. Research has proven that you need an average of 5-10 grams of fiber every day to lower the LDL level by 5%. When you eat one bowl of oatmeal, you can get almost 3 grams of your daily fiber.

Nuts are packed with unsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, fiber and Vitamin E. These nutrients can all help to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol. The FDA even approved walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, pecans, peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds as nuts which can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. You only need to intake about 1.5 ounces of nuts per day to obtain the benefit, but the great thing is the more you consume the greater the benefits for the body. Remember raw nuts are not fattening and essential fatty acids are well known to reduce body fat.

Plant sterols commonly found in plants, have the ability to slow down the absorption of cholesterol into the body. When you eat at least 2 servings of these foods types, which contain plant sterols in them, it can lead to almost 10-15% reduction in the levels of LDL within your body. Some example of foods with plant sterols includes special types of orange juice, margarine and cookies. These products work because the beta-sitosterol molecule in plant sterols is a very similar to the cholesterol molecule. However, the beta-sitosterol molecule is inert in the body and cannot be absorbed. When taken in a meal with any other cholesterol, the bad fats are blocked from being absorbed by the digestive system.

Soy and soy products may help to reduce the cholesterol levels in the body because it contains polyunsaturated fat, vitamins and minerals which have links with cholesterol lowering processes in the body. Although not yet acknowledged to be a proven aid in lowering cholesterol, soy is still a healthy addition to your meals and can be used as a healthy substitute for meat, which contains a high saturated fat content.

In conclusion, more and more evidence is being unearthed about the medicinal powers of everyday foods. Do your health a favor and trust in the healing powers of foods to lower LDL cholesterol, and in years to come not only will you have overcome your ailments but you will have done it naturally by taking far less drugs.

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