Our world is under siege: The kingdom of light versus the kingdom of darkness.

2 years ago

Either of these two kingdoms may be reflected in many different ways, but the source is always the same. The King of the Kingdom of Darkness is especially shrewd in disguise and deception and is labeled in the sacred book as “the deceiver.” No generation like the present has witnessed the reflections of evil from so many angles. The New Age Movement is represented in everything from pseudoscience and psychology to occultic surgery and demonic communications (channeling, ESP, etc.).

When we believers are willing to cut through all the crud that could be called advanced theology and get back to the simplicity of truth, the picture is plain indeed. Even more beautiful than the picture, is the beauty of our accomplished victory. One verse in Saint John, Chapter one is adequate: “And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not” (could not master it) (John 1:5). When the light of Jesus Christ is unclouded by the array of our foolish efforts to provide human aid, the power of Christ is unleashed. These periods of history are called “revivals” or “spiritual awakenings.”

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