You're The Cure, December 14, 2020 - Dr. Ben Edwards and Abraham John

2 years ago

On today’s show, Dr. Ben interviews Abraham John. Together, their focus will be our fourth, and most important, pillar - peace.

You can find more about Abraham John at his site
Abraham’s first interview with Dr. Ben can be found at https://veritascontent.blob.core.wind...
You can register for Veritas Wellness Classes at

6:20 - Dr. Ben speaks to some videos he will be putting out soon about his personal reasons for believing in God. He hopes to have these videos out by January 2021 and you will be able to find them on our YouTube page - He speaks to the fact that “religion” is usually what actually pushes people away from truth.

8:20 - Abraham gives comments on what actually is going on when we feel sickness or unrest. Our bodies were created for a very specific purpose, and when we aren’t aligned with that purpose, we will feel “off”. We can’t put the same people who create the problem in positions to fix the problem.

12:12 - We are dealing with symptoms and not the root. Abraham urges the listeners to consider God’s original design for us.

13:25 - When God created mankind, He told us what to do and what not to do. As long as we stay in those boundaries, things work. We should be governed by God and His Kingdom. However, we have allowed the enemy to bring his government. As long as we are looking to these other systems, we will continue facing challenges.

15:30 - Dr. Ben speaks to certain forms of government and how they don’t aligned with God’s original intent. This causes people to feel like they have to be their own provision and protection.

17:00 - Abraham traces every counterfeit governing system back to satan’s temptation to Adam and Eve to eat of the tree and “be like God”. They look well meaning by providing for and protecting everyone. Yet, they do not give people the freedom to be what God made them to be. They want everyone to be the same. Overall, each of the governments have been trying to function without God and His Kingdom.

19:50 - Abraham speaks to the New Age movement. The movement teaches that if you do certain things, you will become "like God". This is a deception because the truth is, we were created in the image of God. We don’t have to do anything.

21:00 - It is possible for man to reject God and His Kingdom. It happened many times in the Bible, which Abraham gives an example of (1 Samuel 8:7), and continues to happen today.

22:40 - Dr. Ben responds to Abraham’s comments, spotlighting how we don’t have to perform any tricks or rituals. We just have to “be” who He created us to be.

23:20 - Dr. Ben describes an orphan vs. a son. Your outlook on your life in light of these two views changes how you live your life.

25:15 - Abraham explains the moment that Adam became an orphan and how that changed him. He shares information about the Ekklesia meeting he hosts weekly online. He explains what he calls Orphan Heart Syndrome (OHS).

32:35 - Abraham shares the solution to OHS - Sonship in the Kingdom of God (John 1:12). He has given us a birthright to become a child of God.

34:35 - Dr. Ben and Abraham discuss the Gospel of the Kingdom and continue talking about orphan vs. son.

36:45 - Abraham talks the 8 fundamental needs of every human. He goes into the need of relationship and how God created Eve to fulfill that need in Adam. He also shares about the need to be significant. God has a specific task for each person. Until we find and fulfill this purpose, we will not be at peace.

40:30 - Abraham shares about his Kingdom School and how these classes equip you. You can register for these courses at

42:20 - Dr. Ben asks Abraham for some practical ways of beginning to see God’s Kingdom here on the Earth.

42:53 - Abraham gives those practical ideas. First, receive sonship in the Kingdom. He talks about the difference between doing and being and the Father/son relationship God wants with each of us. It is through this relationship that He will show us what He has created us to do.

46:45 - Dr. Ben shares a personal testimony of the Lord’s work in creating their family and showing him his purpose in life.

52:02 - Dr. Ben summarizes what Abraham has said. First, know your identity as a son in the Kingdom. Then, continue trying to fill those 8 holes/needs, including what your purpose in life is.

53:50 - Abraham speaks to seeking the Kingdom first and what this means. Dr. Ben adds on what life would look like if we replace man’s version of ruling with the Kingdom way.

55:58 - Abraham finishes the show by sharing some of the resources he has available on his site, including books and courses. He expands upon his newest book coming out in January called, “God’s Original Design”. You can get access to these things at

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