Butchered by “Healthcare”: What to Do About Doctors, Big Pharma, and Corrupt Government Ruining You

2 years ago

New 2022 - Butchered by “Healthcare”: What to Do About Doctors, Big Pharma, and Corrupt Government Ruining Your Health and Medical Care - Robert Yoho, MD

Dr. Robert Yoho
• Book - Butchered by “Heathcare”

#RobertYoho #BigPharma #HealthCare #BigGovernement

Dr. Robert Yoho is an author and accomplished retired Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon. His Book, Butchered by “Heathcare”: What to Do About Doctors, Big Pharma, and Corrupt Government Ruining Your Health and Medical Care.

Healthcare is the top cause of all our overdue debts and personal bankruptcy. Our medical spending per person is double that of other countries’, but fully half the treatments are ineffective or harmful. Immense, predatory industries such as angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery victimize us. These procedures cause complications and deaths, but few patients survive even a day longer. Most back and endoscopic knee surgeries are equally worthless.
Seventy percent of us are on prescriptions, and 20 percent take over five. One in six uses psychiatric medicine, which commonly causes irreversible brain damage and premature death. Millions are now addicted to prescription opioids. Ninety-three thousand people died in 2020 from overdoses.

The FDA allows big Pharma to falsify the studies required to patent drugs. These corporations hire armies of ghostwriters to stuff websites and medical journal articles with marketing lies. Finding the truth is now nearly impossible. But all this gets overlooked as the companies pay billions of dollars in criminal settlements nearly every year. Money short-circuits everyone’s integrity, but there is an alternative. Patients and doctors can still prevail. Learn the system, and you can too by reading his book Butchered by “Heathcare.

Dr Robert Yoho grew up in Kent Ohio. He was an Eagle Scout and a Judo wrestler.
Went to Oberlin College and Case Western Reserve Univ. Medical School. In 2019 Dr Yoho retired from his medical and surgical practice. He now is a full time writer and speaker. No longer responsible for patient care he is able to write full time without conflicts of interest. To Contact Dr Robert Yoho go to robertyohoauthor.com

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