NEW YORKERS Protest segregation at Trinity Church 21st Aug

2 years ago

To call Trinity a 'church' is a lie. They live a lie. They are not open to all People. They are not inclusive. They are not a house of God. They are an evil house full of demons with their own brand of slaves watching the door.

The vaxxed death cult members inside did nothing to stop the segregation. The masked priestess came out to speak to the GUARDIANS and made no more sense than any other retard manager at Panera bread and then ran away never to be seen again. Perhaps she went to bathe in the blood of children or in untaxed donations.

It's the House of satan. Fuk them royally.

Thank you Pam Hall, LeeroyPress and East Ghost for this material.

The BOSS you see indoors is Robert. Be more like Robert. Robert wears a special blend of cologne that is equal parts Grey Goose vodka, cigarettes and thoroughly kicked asses.

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