1 Talk This Way How to Communicate with your Filipina Wife

4 years ago

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I am going to show you how you absolutely must talk to your wife if you want to have a good marriage, in fact, the best way to talk to each other.
I will break this into three parts because I want you to be convinced this makes sense.

How we communicate with one another at work, at home, or anywhere else, can determine if any kind of relationship will be successful. The words we choose, the way we deliver them, the tone of voice, and how often we repeat them, can build up and nourish a relationship or it can destroy it or any potential it had.

In this video I will try to not talk about gossip, slander, speaking nonsense or babbling, proud or arrogant speech, and even lying, but will focus on other aspects of communication that affects a husband and wife.

Watch the video and learn crucial ways to improve the way you talk to your wife. Without this skill, you might as well forget about finding love beyond the sea.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmLife #FilAmMarriage

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