A lament to the loss of humanity during the "Great Fear"

2 years ago

This video is my attempt to record the harms caused by our government and other unelected governing bodies during the pandemic- harms that they gloss over and have not reckoned with. Instead they pretend worker shortages aren’t linked to mandates, they pretend that people weren’t harmed. They pretend they didn’t stir up hatred, division, and endorse cruelty.
In December 2021 I was part of a group of welfare workers who joined together to write letters to politicians outlining the harms that government measures of lockdowns, mandatory and coerced vaccinations were causing people within our society. We had first hand knowledge from working in the field.
This video documents our concerns and I additionally document videos and newspaper articles which capture the government messaging, skewed data, lack of transparency and creation of division and discrimination.
I try to make sense of how such devastating messaging and measures unfolded, in an attempt to shed some light so we can reflect. My hope is that people will decide to behave differently when the next “crisis” hits.
When the government (doing the bidding of global bodies) next dictates what is the moral thing for people to do we must retain our humanity and kindness to each other. We have much more to lose then becoming ill with a virus if we turn on each other, start to police each other and treat others as if they are immoral, invalid and have no worth. We lose so much as a society and a country. We lose our humanity.
I dedicate this video to everyone who has been harmed over the last few years- workers who were fired because they would not be part of a coercive campaign, people harmed or worse from the injection, adults and children locked down in houses where they were unsafe, protesters who know first hand how brutally we will be treated for standing/speaking up, children in foster care unable to see birth parents, parents unable to get children back for extended periods due to court closures and backlogs, people with disabilities losing their beloved and long term workers (who were more like members of the family).- the list goes on and on.
For those who suffer you are not alone- for those who stood up, spoke up, thank you!

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