如何增进与耶稣基督的关系(WarningThePeople)How to GROW a Relationship with Jesus Christ

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/cdO-NaomKSY

2018年8月30日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople



这个信息是为了那些想要增进与耶稣的关系,但却不知道从哪里开始的人准备的。我想要给你们分享一下我自己的简短的见证。当我还在教会的时候,当时我确实很认真的寻找耶稣,可就像许多人一样,我不知道从哪里开始。我就按照一直以来被教导的去做:也就是读圣经和祷告。所以我常常打开圣经,在电脑桌前一坐就是几个小时查考经文,然后我就会祷告。但是让我很困扰的是,不管我坐下来读多久圣经,不管我祷告多久,我仍然感觉里面很空洞,心里很空虚。我知道我和上帝的关系是不对的。所以我开始想为什么我竭尽全力地想要更加靠近上帝,可我为什么仍然感觉到与他有很远的距离呢?是上帝把我推开了吗?这就是上帝能给我的一切了吗?如果我现在做的是我应该做的一切了,那为什么我仍然想要更加靠近他呢?圣灵给了我哥林多后书6章14~18节的经文:不要和非信徒同负一轭,因为公义和不法怎能合作呢?光明和黑暗怎能共存呢? 基督与魔鬼怎能相容呢?信徒与非信徒有什么相干呢? 上帝的殿与偶像怎能相提并论呢?因为我们就是永活上帝的殿,正如上帝说:“我要住在他们中间,在他们当中往来;我要做他们的上帝,他们要做我的子民。”又说:“所以,你们要从他们中间出来,离开他们,不要沾染污秽之物,我就接纳你们。我要做你们的父亲,你们要做我的儿女。这是全能的主说的。”

I'm making this message for those of you who do want to grow with Jesus but you're just not sure where to start. I want to give you my brief testimony of this. When I was still in church, I did get serious about seeking after Jesus, but like many of us I was not sure where to start. So I started doing what I have always been taught to do, I have always been taught to read my Bible and to pray. For many hours I would sit at my computer desk with my Bible open and I would search the scriptures, and then I would pray. And what really bothered me was no matter how long I sat and read, no matter how long I prayed, I still had this void in me, this emptiness inside my heart. I knew that I was not right with God. I started to wonder why if I'm doing everything to get closer to God, why do I still feel distant. Is God pushing me away? Is this all God has to offer? Why do I still want more of Him if I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing? The Holy Spirit gave me these verses in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 through 18, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness, and what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the Temple of the Living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore, "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." This is exactly what my heart desired. I wanted God to be my Father and I desperately wanted to be His son. When I read this it convicted me to the core because I knew what I had to do. I had to touch nothing unclean, I had to separate myself from anything that caused me to sin. I needed to leave my church that taught me false things, the place where I was touching things that were unclean. I just knew that if I wanted God as my Father and if I wanted to be His son, that I had to keep myself pure before God and really start following Him and obeying Him. It is not enough to read your Bible and pray. You have to hear from Jesus and then you have to act on what you heard, it's called obedience. If you want to grow in a relationship with Jesus don't just read your Bible and pray, really start doing, start obeying the things that He puts on your conscience to do. Ask Him to convict your conscience. Ask Him to lead you and He will, but if you don't obey, no matter how many works that you do, you will still be distant from God. It doesn't matter how much you read the Bible or go on mission trips or go to church or talk with others, it doesn't matter how much you learn. You know, many Christians are still spiritual babies even though they're 50 years old and are very (supposedly) mature in their faith. And the reason why spiritually they're still babies is because they're not doing the few things Jesus has put on their conscience to do. Maybe they're supposed to repent of some sins, to forgive some people, to get some things out of their life, they're touching something unclean. But they're doing a bunch of other things, they're going on mission trips, they're going to church all the time, they're reading their Bible, they're praying... But spiritually they're not maturing. You will not grow forward in your relationship with Jesus until you start obeying Him. Do the things that He tells you to do, touch nothing that is unclean. Separate yourself from sinners and anything that causes you to sin. Work out your relationship with Jesus. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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