Greg Reese Sacred Cows and the Dangers of Eating Bugs(1)

2 years ago

Why the eating of bugs is bad,

and grass fed cows is the answer. (industrial grain fed pass far higher rates of gas)

Not in the video

carbon dioxide is a trace gas of the atmosphere at less than 0.05%

The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Levels are quite low compared to the past
when plants animals and insects were bigger.

This was due to higher volcanic activity then.

The more CO2 the more life, The plants grow bigger and quicker.

Greenhouses pump it in artificially to grow plants better.

the attack on CO2 is an attack on Life.

The EArth is always making oil with the combination of microbes extreme heat and pressure. Not dinosaurs all dying in spot. Don't let the media and elites manipulate the masses.The elites want the resources for themselves as the extend their lives and shorten ours. Wake up.

Turning off Reliable power plants of clean coal, and pushing everyone into an Electric Car to charge of the grid is a disaster and will lead to a horribly decline in way of life that will be micro managed and leaving few choices and little freedom. That's the plan. Start saying no to this distopic nightmare.

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