08-2022 BCP General Meeting

2 years ago

Our 2nd Amendment is under attack
ERICH PRATT OF GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA As Senior VP of the national grassroots organization Gun Owners of America, Erich is dedicated to securing the freedom of over 1.5 million Americans to keep and bear arms. Erich has appeared on numerous national radio and TV programs such as NBC's Today Show, MSNBC, CNN, CBS and Fox Cable News. His columns have appeared in newspapers across the country.

LINDA SZYNKOWICZ (KLEINSCHMIDT) of Fight Voter Fraud and End Voter Fraud. She is focused on developing a nationwide network of "Silent Army" volunteers dedicated to uncover potential voter fraud and cleaning voter rolls.

Dean Klopp with PA Liberty Alliance will give us an update on Election Reform and how we can help.

16 yr old Bode Brewer will tell us about his experiences being in school as a Conservative among his peers.

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