Joe M: We Are The Plan

2 years ago

Something is going on. Some of us see it. Some of us feel it. Its time expand your thinking. You will need to reset everything you thought you knew about the world. About the people you trust. About history. About yourself.

Joe M: “White Hats wouldn’t take millions of blissfully unaware ordinary citizens, wake them up to the reality of the great reset, and then yank it away for months. That is uncharacteristic of a benevolent force. This ends in weeks at most, not months. The plan is real. You know it is.”

I don’t know who Joe M. is, but, in my view, he does a good job in nine minutes of presenting the Alliance’s plan to take down the deep state.

Joe M video collection:

The deep state and the 16 year plan to destroy America:

The16 year plan by Hillary and Obama to destroy the United States in the name of globalism. Obama has stated that “if we did away with borders it would end terrorism” meaning the whole world be one big country under one rule, the U.N. known as the New World Order.

Hillary not only embraces the globalist mentality but she actually wanted to end the U.S. as we know it and replace it with a “Hemispheric Government.”

The most frightening thing about the recent Wikileaks drop, which included excerpts of Hillary’s paid Wall St. speeches is her excitement over ending the United States as we know it.

Hillary is an extreme globalist.

She not only embraces the globalist mentality but she actually wants to end the U.S. as we know it and replace it with a “Hemispheric Government.”

In a WikiLeaks e-mail drop from June 2014 Hillary states “My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders sometime in the future with energy that is green and sustainable as we can get it powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”

QAnon a mysterious source on the internet who is a loyalist who has close relations to trump and is usually right on target said in an explosive post this past Sunday that Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton had a 16 year treasonous plan for a coup d’etat in the United States that would end up revising the constitution, canceling the second amendment and opening the borders to flood the nation with illegal immigrants who would vote democratic for the foreseeable future (see diagram above).

In his post Q also alleged that deep state rogue operatives murdered supreme court justice Antony Scalia to lock in a hard left ideology on the nation’s highest court to give Obama one final nomination for the court. This is what I have also been saying in previous posts.

Hillary and Obama want to revise the constitution. Obama called it “an outdated document” while it is the back bone of our democracy.

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