The Raw Deal (22 August 2022)

2 years ago

Ukraine's shelling of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe appears to be a deliberate effort to cause radiation leaking, which an MP in London and an idiot in Washington declare would be sufficient to invoke Article 5 of the NATO treaty for mutual response to an attack upon any NATO nation, where, even though Ukraine is not in NATO, they would use the contamination cloud as the means for claiming to have been attacked. Russia has warned that there will be no winners in a nuclear war, but that appears to be the objective, where neither the UN Security Council nor the AEIE has shown the least concern over the prospect, where Hal Turner appears to have it right. Russia can clean NATO's clock. Do not expect the US to be spared. My family just visited Washington, D.C, for the past week and it may be that next week there will be no Washington, D.C. Everything about the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago looks wrong, where a former SWAT team member who has served many warrants explains the multiple indications that none of this is on the up-and-up. I shared my 30 minutes with Kevin Barrett from his Friday Truth Jihad Show, where he told me that he thinks I have been played by fabricated evidence that it was a FEMA drill rather than a real mass murder and that I have discredited myself and the Truth Movement by being so obstinate about it. I was floored and laid out proof after proof that it was a manufactured event, but none of it made the least impression upon the guy who hosts False Flag Weekly News. I was stunned. Listen and make up your mind for yourself. You can find it archived on my BitChute channel at

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