🕉️ Gayatri Mantra 108 Times | Powerful and Miraculous Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha | With Lyrics

2 years ago

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं | भर्गो देवस्यः धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥


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Gayatri Mantra is the Mother of all the Mantras. Gayatri Mata (Mother Gayatri) is also the Veda Mata or the personification of the galaxy of Vedas. Vedas are eternal and are not authored by man and therefore called Apaurusheya. You can call this mantra the summary of the Vedas. So, chanting Gayatri mantra gives the complete benefit of chanting all the Vedas. A famous verse about Gayatri Mantra says, “Gayan Trayate Iti Gayatri” meaning Gayatri mantra is the one that protects those who chant it.

Gayatri mantra is universal Gayatri mantra addresses the supreme reality in the form of light. It does not talk of any one deity or god. Therefore Gayatri mantra is universal and highly scientific. It is common to all religions. It addresses the one single absolute energy or god whatever we may call the supreme principle that creates, sustains and dissolves the universe.

📍 Welcome to this mantra, this sound tone helps to remove layers of negativity and energy blockages, helping you experience emotional and spiritual release, working on your spiritual balance, even your subconscious.

📍 Benefits of Gayatri Mantra Chanting

1. Improves Concentration and Learning:
► The vibrations created when chanting this mantra directly activates the last three chakras – the throat chakra, the 3rd eye chakra and the crown chakra. These chakras deal with providing focus and removing distractions. Hence, the concentration is increased.

2. Removes Toxins from Body:
► The vibrations created activate certain points on the face to further oxygenate the skin. The breathing involved provides more oxygen to the blood vessels which travel throughout your skin. This flushes out the toxins and gives a glow to your skin.

3. Improves Breathing:
► It is advised to practice Pranayam before chanting to open up the breathing airways. And while chanting, further controlled deep breathing expands your lungs fully to improve breathing and also oxygenate the body.

4. Keeps Your Heart Healthy:
► The synchronized breathing while chanting also syncs the pumping of blood to the heart. Thus the blood pressure is kept in check and the heart stays healthy. It is definitely one of the better reasons why you should meditate more.

5. Removes Negativity:
► By continuously chanting and focusing on the mantra, you stimulate your brain to be focused. This level of concentration helps with keeping the mind calm and positive.

6. Improves Functioning of Nervous System:
► When you start chanting, you put pressure on your tongue, throat, mouth, and lips. The combined pressure creates different vibrations. This, in turn, induces your brain to release neurotransmitters for proper stimulus of these vibrations. The nerves perform better and functions healthily.

7. Helps reduce Asthma Symptoms:
► While breathing, a short hold of your breath helps in strengthening your lungs. The asthma symptoms slowly dissipate when you practice chanting regularly.

8. Calms the Mind:
► When you are concentrated, you see clearly. The clarity lifts all of your tension. The repeating of chants also release many good hormones like serotonin and others. So, you feel happy and calm.
9. Improves Overall Immunity:
► Gayatri mantra chanting activates the hypothalamus which is responsible for keeping immunity in the body. The diseases are kept at bay and you feel more healthy and fit.

10. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:
► Along with all the other benefits and the explanation given for each of them, the chanting of this mantra also removes depression, anxiety, and stress. This is so important. With the growing economy, people are becoming more prone to anxiety and chanting is a very natural way to keep your anxiety in check.

🎧 Listen at any time of day or night, at work, studying, meditating or resting. The best time for this attunement is when you feel inclined to receive and vibrate these energies. You will also be able to hear while you sleep, and your subconscious will receive all the vibrations, helping you to tune into it.

🎧 Listen for 30 days for maximum effects.

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#Gayatri Mantra #Gayatri Mantra 108 Times #Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha

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