Session 1: Cultivating a Vibrant Heart Even In Times of Great Trouble

2 years ago

This is the first video in the series on John 15. In this video Mike will teach on cultivating a vibrant heart even in times of great trouble.


We can cultivate a vibrant heart filled with God’s joy and peace even in times of great trouble. The command in John 14:1 not to allow trouble to dominate our heart is obeyed by determining to believe Jesus—by agreeing with His promises, trusting His leadership, and engaging with His heart.

1“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” (Jn. 14:1)

Jesus did not say, “Let not your hearts be troubled because you will escape all the pressures of life.”
Nor did He say that if we have enough faith, then we will escape all the pressures that others face.

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0:00- Introduction
2:16- Review of John 13 and 14
7:43- The overarching theme of John 13-17
20:27- 12 Reasons why the apostles were troubled
48:07- What do we do when our heart is troubled?
1:01- Ministry Time

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