The Offspring of Babylon!

2 years ago

Offspring of Babylon- THIS IS A MESSAGE WITH ALL FACTS AND ZERO HATRED TO ALL OF MY LATINO COMMUNITY AND Arabic communities ON PLANET EARTH!! To awaken the world! For all colors and ethnicity and to stop the mass murder of your family, for hundreds of years! Wake up! Mass murder on both sides of a fake satanic cult preying on your children for thousand+ years it’s time to wake up your family to this!
 What is the true beginnings of the Catholic church and Muslim church? ARREST THESE LEADERS PUSHING PEDOPHILIA AND ABOLISH EVERY CATHOLIC and MUSLIM CHURCH OUT OF AMERICA NOW!  These are 2 more tentacles of this great United Nations beast system I have been speaking of! I am going to start from the beginning and break this down for you to awaken your families and lets KO PUNCH THE DEVIL NOW!
1. In 70AD(only 70years after Lord Jesus ascended into heaven) millions of Israelites were trapped inside Jerusalem and murdered (some of the people that called to crucify Jesus were all slaughtered women and children taken for slaves). And Jerusalem was demolished 70 years after the Lord said it would be. 
2.Who was "POPE SIXTUS lll !" (Meaning POPE 666) and the "Nicolaiatans" of the 200AD time frame? These deviant pedophiles would take in and molest orphaned boys offering gifts, greatly influenced the foundations of what became the Catholic Church. Also the foundations of "Yuletide" and Christmas, "Saint Nicolas". Guys Saint Nicolas comes from Nicolaiatans that we're very evil creepers. Many say Pope Sixtus is still alive for hundreds of years and never dies and has appeared through out history at the Vatican.
3. The "Counsel of Nicaea"  325 A.D. and Constantine foundations of a great divide between tbhe REAL JESUS FOLLOWERS OF CATHOLIC CHURCH SECRET BABYLONIAN SECT.
CULT THAT WERE FOLLOWING ALOT OF ANCIENT BABYLONIAN DIETY WORSHIP. As history has proven the Catholic and Islamic Church has been a great scourge on humanity for mass murder, slavery, women abuse, child torture, child eating cannibalism, child sacrifices to the same ancient Babylonian deitys. 
4. Islam started in 570 AD with Muhammad. Questions for anyone that is of Islam.
- Did Muhammad the "prophet" marry a 9 year old girl? -Does Islam teach pedophilia is ok? 
-Does Islam teach the same symbols and practices worshippers of the Crescent Moon God and Cubed God Saturnalians as the Ancient Babylonians and  Catholicism does?
- Does Islam teach its ok to rape a girl that does not wear a mask? Especially if she is not Islamic?
-Does Islam teach its ok to rape a small boy but man with man sex is sin?
- Does Islam still practice slavery and murdering, torturing wife and kids is legal?
-Is there millions of Muslims that are upset about the Illegal Unconstitutional wars in the Middle East that want Americans to pay?
- Does Islam teach its ok to kidnap American kids and force them into Islam and sex slavery? Is thousands of children in America being kidnapped by Muslims and now forced into sex slavery, marriage of kids?
 -Did Muhammad get possessed by a Dark Cloud that made him go into convulsions and uncontrolled trembling(as is taught demonic possession)on the floor, on several occasions then get up and write scripture?
-Did Muhammad teach slavery was good and start the black slave trade of Africans
-Did ISLAM start the slave trade of African tribes to Americans?. Yes or no to All of these? 
I want ISLAMIC CHURCHES AND SHARIA LAW ABOLISHED OUT OF AMERICA now! Islam is not freedom for anyone!
5. Crusaders. One of the greatest lies spouted for centuries is "Christianity has killed killed the most people in history" and that is a lie. The Catholic Babylonian con-artist swindler demon worshipping church and the Islamic Babylonian deity worshipper, pedophiles that started selling black Africans as slaves. And kidnapping kids, women  And caused more death and mass rape and started "legal kidnapping" for all Islam! ISLAM WAS SELLING THE FIRST SLAVES FROM AFRICA TO AMERICA AND STARTED THE SLAVE TRADE! As these Catholic Babylonian deity worshippers pretending to follow JESUS and not his actual teachings (and few did). Both Catholicism and Islam both wicked tentacles of this ancient Babylonian beast (THE UNITED NATIONS) killing, raped, torturing, kidnapping in the name of righteousness and in the name of love! 2 evil religions of super selfish con-artists.
6.For a thousand years this DESPICABLE Catholic church has been hiding everything from humanity! Super rich con-artists and diabolically malevolent group of demon WORSHIPPERS!(if you have a demon that has been around for thousands of years giving you a thousand tons of gold and stock tips?).
-they carefully buy and horde the best land in the world. -Now more recently for hundreds of years The Catholic church (working in cahoots with the Smithsonian) carefully buys all the most important ancient relics, bones, artifacts of the world, carefully hiding all the ancient writings and manuscripts of the world mostly to hide forever and most items carefully destroyed to hide reality! The opposite of what they claim they promote, science and pursuit of truth! 
7-Finding now the Catholic Church is behind "the big bang theory" and "observatorys"?  As they hide all the true data?
8. The "Spanish Inquisition"! This was a terrible and very important time period to understand for every practicing Catholic and Muslim. From 1478-1834 (to understand exactly what type of unrelenting monsters we are dealing with).  Guys for more then 300 years the Catholics were torturing real JESUS Followers because they wanted to read scripture for themselves!  Guys we don't even know when this torturing truly started or ended and some say it's gone on much longer and a giant network of crazy Jesuit creepers doing the same criminal activity. A super rich and deceptive group of Babylonian Demon worshippers go around the world twisting and destroying anything to do with the real JESUS and Real Science. 
9.  Eusebius Pagit of 1541 wrote the Original KING JAMES BIBLE. NOT Eusebuis of Caesarea from 260AD or Constantine of 306AD. And all the old writings were not put together by the Lord and Constantine's work wasn't accurate there was no true BIBLE until 1200+ years later. Eusebuis Pagit was born and the devil is trying very hard to hide this man and what he was. Euebuis was born to write The True bible! The Catholic Church at that time tried to bribe him with high position as an Cardinal and the Church of England offered him a high position as Prime Minister to which he refused both. It was said Eusebuis Pagit could speak, read and deciphe many languages including ancient Latin, Hebrew, Greek and was a genuis. Eusebuis refused to change one "jot or tiddle" and painstakingly wrote THE FIRST TRUE BIBLE! EUSEBUIS PAGIT "JESUSISLORD.COM").
10. Catholicism using "Saint" demon worshipping of fallen angels that masquerade as saints.
And when you go to see their names and symbols these Babylonian Gods are in ISLAM and CATHOLICISM both!
11.Santeria LATINO Catholicism is destroying all the Latinos of Mexico and all over the world ruining families into poverty and slavery. The average LATINO mind is so uneducated and uninformed and compartmentalize Catholicism they have no idea who and what exactly what they are worshipping. Saint death? We now know that drug cartels of super crazy new groups of pure evil has been allowed to run rampant in Mexico and all over Latin America! 
12. Catholicism now caught stealing kids from All over the world mass child grave sites, the butcher,baker,and candlestick maker are 9th circle Satanists. Witnesses of these 3 taking kids and disappeared them. More then one pope caught through eye witnesses to have been involved in a shadow group of Satanists, cannibalism and child sacrifices of millions of people for hundreds of years by now. 
13.The is actual video of blatant Lucifer worshipping in a huge Catholic monestary by the Catholic choir. The say it to the world unabashedly. The Catholic church is not Christianity.
14. Many Catholic nuns have now come out and admitted that the Catholic Priests claim it is their right to take a nuns virginity and the priests rape the young virgin nuns just joining the contents And they lie and make up all kinds of dogma to suit their conscience. And the nuns hate being nuns because they are not living right. Also the nuns are forced to take little kids to be raped by groups of homosexual priests.
15. Statistics now show and some Catholic priests have stated the truth. That at least half to 2/3's of all Catholic priests are now Homosexuals and statistics prove that Homosexuals molest children many times more often as well. No we have witnesses from children that these priests are also involved in SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse and the major  news stations will never tell you this. This is Satanism disgusting is Christianity!
16. We have witnesses now coming out saying the Catholic church stole hundreds of thousands of LATINO children from south America to rape, torture,murder and no one will hold them accountable? In south America alone was hundreds of thousands that we know of.
17. We now find these super creeper Muslims and the Drug Cartel Catholics are kidnapping kids all over the next
mexican border and found a loophole in the system to exploit and funnel hundreds of thousands of children separated and disappeared thousands of them in Catholic and Muslim sex slavery, torture, mass murder of poor children from 3rd world countries! America wake up! Latinos WAKE UP! We must remove the Islamic and Catholic church out of America and Latin America now! 

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