Can St John's Wort Help With Memory Problems?

2 years ago

A popular supplement in recent years has been St. John’s Wort, a herb that can help people improve memory and cognitive function. But does this herbal remedy actually work? This article will review the science behind St. John’s Wort and its potential benefits for memory.

Can St John's wort help maintain and enhance memory?

St. John's Wort has been used for centuries as an herbal supplement to treat a variety of conditions including depression, anxiety, and nerve pain. Some research suggests that it may also help with improved memory function.

What is St. John’s Wort?

St. John's Wort is believed to work through a chemical in the brain that affects mood and memory, serotonin. It is unclear how effective it is, but it can increase the concentration of these chemicals.

Can You Decrease Your Risk of Dementia With St. John's Wort?

The plant St. John's Wort has been found to improve mood, relieve stress, and help promote memory. A study carried out on participants who took St. John's Wort for eight weeks showed improvements in memory-related tasks, while tests of those not taking the supplement did not have such an increase.

New evidence suggests that it is possible for St. John's Wort to improve memory. Talk with your doctor before starting a treatment to ensure safety in relation to any medicines you are taking.

How can St. John's Wort be used to improve memory?

One way to take St. John’s Wort is in the form of tea. To avoid side effects, you should increase gradually over time.

The evidence is still inconclusive but preliminary results from St. John’s wort show promise for people who want a herbal remedy for their memory. Remember to speak with your healthcare provider before taking this herb and remember that quality matters when you buy supplements.

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