The ultimate Alpha Male is getting Married (for “Christian MGTOWs”)

4 years ago

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There is the idea or thought that an alpha male doesn’t marry, or doesn’t get close to women, doesn’t listen to her or doesn’t sacrifice to meet her needs. First, here is a definition of an alpha male: A man tending to assume a dominant or domineering role in social or professional situations.

I am especially bewildered but not amused by the term “Christian MGTOW”, or the bizarre claim that Jesus was MGTOW or that the apostle Paul was a MGTOW. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jesus said he only did the will of his father and Paul said he was in imitator of Christ. I know there is an attempt these days to justify staying single, and to denigrate women in general, but it certainly doesn’t come from the Bible and Jesus is not your example of a man going his own way.

I don’t have confidence I can persuade MGTOWs in general but someone who calls themselves a Christian MGTOW, I’d like to think if you have an open mind, you can see that the term is an oxymoron and therefore false.

I can’t think of a more alpha male than the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no one more dominant than the Son of God himself and the Bible tells us he is going to consummate a marriage with his bride the church someday. If anyone didn’t need a wife it would be him.

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to him, YET, he sought to suffer and pay for the sins of a sinful, rebellious bride, because he was compelled to, because he is love. Being the most powerful one in the world doesn’t mean there is a lack of compassion and a willingness to sacrifice, to die for another. If you are a Christian male, this is part of your maleness.

Watch the video for my full explanation of why the supposed alpha male would be the first to marry on account of his masculinity.

#ChristianMGTOW #AlphaMale #RealMenMarry

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