[CODE CHALLENGE REVIEW] Python strings, tuples // New JavaScript Challenge = Tic Tac Toe game

4 years ago

Peter Fisher reviews the Python challenges live on Twitch

These three Python challenges focus on tuples, sets dictionaries and strings.
Create a GitHub Repo with a Python file per level. Submit your GitHub Repository to the Discord channel.
I will review these live on Twitch at the end of August.

Level 1 - Find the duplicates in a Python Tuple
How many times is `1` duplicated in this Tuple `1,1,2,3,4,1,5,6,7,1`

Level 2 - Find the max and min in a Python Set
Print the max and min numbers in this set `set([15, 11, 8, 15, 32, 20])`

Level 3 - Count characters in a string
Create function that counts the characters in the string; `Row Row Row Your Boat`
The function should return a dictionary where the index is the character and it's value is counter.
EG `{'R': 3, 'B':1}`

Join the next challenge: https://codechallenges.howtocodewell.net

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