Results of Surveying LGB- and Non-LGB People with SSA: Christopher Rosik Interview

2 years ago

Is conservative religious involvement inherently harmful for same-sex attracted people? If people have distress over their same-sex attractions or behavior, which approaches are reliably helpful and which may be most harmful?
I'm excited to present this interview with Dr. Christopher Rosik, clinical psychologist and researcher, to discuss a couple studies he co-authored using the data from the 4 Options Survey, which gathered an abundance of data from people with same-sex attraction! (And this survey was conducted by an ideologically diverse group of researchers!) One study examined the effect of religiousness on internalized homonegativity and depression, anxiety, and poor physical health outcomes. We then take a deeper look into a study about the array of methods people may use to address distress over their SSA, seeing the differences in chances of helpfulness and harm among LGB-identified, non-LGB-identified, theologically conservative, theologically non-conservative, and non-religious people with SSA. The results may surprise you and they have implications for treatment and policy.

#ChristopherRosik #4OptionsSurvey #LGBT #SSA #samesexattraction #sexualminorities #SAFETherapy #conversiontherapybans #harmreduction #SOCE #therapyequality #therapeuticchoice #followthescience

Rosik, C.H., Lefevor, G.T., McGraw, J.S., & Beckstead, A.L. (2021). Is conservative religiousness inherently associated with poorer health for sexual minorities? Journal of Religion and Health.
Rosik, C.H., Lefevor, G.T., & Beckstead, A.L. (2022). Sexual minorities responding to sexual orientation distress: Examining 33 methods and the effects of sexual identity labeling and theological viewpoint. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Learn more about Dr. Rosik's work with the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity at Archived issues of The Journal of Human Sexuality are available.

For more on these topics:
Proof that Reintegrative Therapy Is Safe and Effective for Sexual Attraction Fluidity Exploration (my interview with Joseph Nicolosi, Jr, and Carolyn Pela):
A SOCE Therapist Responds to "Pray Away" part 1:
A SOCE Therapist Responds to "Pray Away" part 2:
Time to Wake Up and Rise Up (against therapy bans and LGBT coercion):

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God bless!
-Andrew Rodriguez

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