America you are disgusting! Check yourself!

2 years ago

America stop your wasting food and littering now!- Americans what happened to America? We have lost our compass and slowly losing our humanity. We waste way to much food,  our kids are filthy litter bugs and no one cares anymore! 
1.What is the true reasons for this collapse and degradation of our society? what is the true source of all of this littering? How can we fix it?
2. Fukashima Canon fodder? Allowing all these LA homeless to sit on the beach and destroy America into socialism and basking in radiation with a radioactive island of trash no one cares to clean up?
3. "Ugly" foods and these lazy, ungrateful, selfish Americans whom work for high treasonous mass murdering scum, whom would be so cold as to throw away mass quantities of food and millions of tons based on its outward appearance/looks? But really it's all part of a plan to starve billions of people and create false scarcity!  This is a great evil in the world of starvation and this will be a bad ending for our grandkids if we don't fight this!
4.  Wasting the world's corn supply on ethanol for fuel while the world is starving? Creating more false scarcity?
5.Homeless people are the worst litter bugs of all and gave up on society.
6."Pick-One-Up" program if everyone in America picked up 1piece of trash on the way to work or store. And we started a program called "Pick-One-Up" in all the school systems. Then these little kids would learn not to litter in the first place as well. 
7. The "renter" of the house is usually going to litter more often and leave a mess all over the yard. We need better rules when landlords allow the tenants to trash the yard and allow trash to float all over the neighborhood. Because the renter does not care about the property or its community. These renters need fined for leaving litter and trash all over the yard that blows out into the neighborhoods. The down fall of society into 3rd world squaller has arrived because of Demoncrat socialist policies. The solution is ownership and code enforcement.
8.Trash heap islands and CCP communist greed! China needs to get control of their filthy pirates dumping everything into the oceans!
9. Stop mass production of plastics for soft drinks! We have new bio-degradable plastics that do not kill our people and animals! 
10. We have new ships that clean the oceans we can implement more solutions to begin cleaning the waters.
 11. We have new technologies that clean the atmosphere and a scientist figured out a way to clean the sky's with these high altitude planes and filtration systems we can impliment these programs. 
12."Micro plastics" are now in everything we eat! Plastics are destroying the world! We have to stop mass pKimiroduction of plastics that harm the environment and harm our health! 
13. Guys we only have one solution and that is to incinerate all of these plastics with new high tech filtration systems that burn zero toxins. Because this plastic is destroying mankind and now even getting into all of our food supplies of the world. We must start mass production of floating incineration machines now!


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