WWDD | Perilous World Radio 8/22/22

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What Would Dad Do?

Our hosts take on today’s Perilous World show with a headline from NBC, Chuck Todd, which exclaims that Americans are angry and disappointed; 74% say the country is on the wrong track. Alan thinks we must express our true feelings regarding what’s happening in this world to make a change. Alan shares an excerpt, “Don’t be too impressed by college degrees anymore; graduates are no longer the most educated; they are just the most indoctrinated!” Alan believes they think they have all the answers with their science, but they forgot God!
Colonel Monaco and Kansas State Capital Pastor Dave DePue are on this Battlefront Segment. They discuss “what’s next”? They have a plan to restore the sense to government as they continue to hit the pavement on Capitol Hill regarding abortion. Have hope! Jan shared her thoughts that abortion is a travesty and that women are not becoming the women of God that they were meant to be. It’s a metamorphosis for a woman to understand unconditional love. Visit Patriotoutreach.org to donate.
A few clips are played that bring insight into Greta Thunberg as she explains she is very different in private. Who is Greta Thunberg? A Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation. She describes that the role of an activist is to organize events and educate people, which they need to start to realize the urgency of the environmental changes. o climate emergency.
Alan feels we do not know we can be God’s messengers and most likely can be and are. We don’t understand when and if we are doing it. Alan derived this statement as he shared a story of his journey with a longtime friend over the weekend. They talked about how Roy Masters changed his life. Lighting the light, waking up the truth inside people, explains Jan. Alan. He also shared how his life has changed since his father's passing. It was always so easy to call his dad for the answers to life's hard questions. Now, he has to find those answers from his Heavenly Father alone. The following clip is of Roy Masters, their heavenly co-host, “we have legislation by emotion; the liberal government is using techniques of emotionalization to rob Americans of their reason. We are an emotionally divided country!”

As the dynamic trio closes today’s show, Jan reads a scripture shared in the chat room: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book,” and says God collects every tear you’ve cried and it’s part of being a human.

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