Zombie Apocalypse has begun!

2 years ago

Real Zombie Apocalypse Has Begun!-
What CNN China news network won't tell you!
I will try to start from the beginning and all I know. And help you understand the gravity of this situation. I will stick to the obvious facts! My summary is quick, these opiates and vaccines will cause the zombie apocalypse! And it's so obvious that, that is what has been unleashed upon mankind! 
1. OPIATES CHINA BIO-WEAPON we now are discovering was a huge scam to destroy the world and a huge addiction crisis. The school systems in conjunction with the medical systems (are all compartmentalized puppets! Useful lemmings!) We now find that these synthetic opiates are hundreds of times more addictive then heroin. Doctors for hundreds of years had a rule NEVER GIVE A PATIENT POWERFUL OPIATES UNLESS THEY ARE ON DEATHS DOOR! It is so wicked and  it is so corrupt what our hospitals and a huge percent of so called "doctors" have become! Doctors and hospitals willfully mass murdering their patients! DOCTORS willing to sell their souls for a pay check! It's truly sick the deeper we delve into what public hospitals and doctors have become!
2. Fentanyl! CHINA caught again with more mass murder tricking and poisoning Americans! We find its being snuck into all kinds of pills! America is being mass murdered by China already! These kids are being tricked by American doctors to take Fentanyl laced super powerful derivatives of heroin,cocaine pills! 
3.Herion addicts some in their 30's never touched drugs say that the "Doctors" prescribed them pills and then from pills they got hooked on heroin! 
4.What are Bath Salts and these powerful designer drugs that got unleashed to America! Who allowed these powerful synthetic opiates to be handed out to ruin Americans? Bath salts numb the human part of the brain and turns a human into a ravenous wolf type creator! And it's very obvious now that this will be a sneak preview of what is coming. There is a few famous videos that really awakens to the extent of the zombie like rage and ferocious wolf like rage that happens because of new synthetic drugs flooding in here! It's like rabies on steroids! A ravenous wolf!
5. 10-20 years ago the entire country started making movies and video games about zombies, government announced preparing for zombies all over. It's a well known satanic ritual to the occult globalist Satanists to tell us what they are planning ahead of time. MILITARY Drills preparing for a mass extinction level epidemic. Now the head scientists and doctors in the military and department of defense have now come out to admit that there’s 1100% increase in death in the military from HIV and from the vaccine and it’s increasing to 5000% soon and Fauci gates and Obama have now mass murdered a huge percentage of our military going to fall over dead soon exactly what the China United Nations wanted and they had this all planned long before Trump was in office.
6. When you get addicted to super powerful opiates it takes years for your body to detox. IF the shit hits the fan SHTF and total FUBAR and there is not electricity or food these opiates and powerful designer DRUGS (THESE CHINESE UNITED NATIONS SOCIALISTS HIGH TREASONOUS TRAITORS GOT OUR CHILDREN ADDICTED TO OPIOTS ON PURPOSE!!) will be gone and there will be starving gangs of crazy super evil drug, opiate addicts going door to door murder, robbery, gang rape, torture, childkidnapping, etc.
7. Music industry now allowing singers to glorify to little kids that pills are fun! SUPER wicked careless punk boys, not men!
8. ALEX JONES reported HIV-AIDS and PRION Protein crystals that can penetrate the blood brain barrier in these vaccines! You don't understand the gravity of what this means scientifically! PRIONS!! This is super bad and NOT A VACCINE GUYS! This will totally destroy your mind and put a Disease in your brain you can never get rid of! Walking-dead! KURU! Sometimes you won't see or know the effects for 5-20years! The HIV proteins will totally screw up the immune system just like HIV but worse! These scam artist liars said"no there's no HIV-AIDS in the vaccines" because they just took the most dangerous parts of HIV and used that instead! A total bio-weapon to kill you softly and make u lose your mind completely and go zombie ape shit with no Heroin, Opiate fix!
9. PRESIDENT TRUMP! I want everyone one of these doctors that took the HUSH money arrested! ABOLISH all these pill factories now! Quarantine all the PRION infected ,opiate addicts that will shed the mutated virus's, out of control zombies will lose their minds exactly like zombies but much slower it is not the unvaccinated people that will turn into a walking virus test tube with KURU PRIONS floating around reaping havoc on in the brain of these walking dead, DNA altered "manimals"! And as they bread their offspring become more and more "altered beasts", "Mark Of The Beast" and "Marked as a beast". Because you gave up your humanity and have now become part beast? So unreal can't bring yourself to believe it.
10."Krokodile" what you need to learn, what's being hidden about one of the next bio-weapons on the rise! This heroin, meth type powder is a huge mixture of toxins and is a well hidden buzz name Krokodile and causes horrible skin falling off the bone side effects and super addiction like heroin. And makes people look exactly like a zombie! Crazy town! Originating in Russia and there has been cases in the USA already.
11. Doctors have come out and discovered saying this United Nations vaccine has unique type of magnetic metals-GRAPHENE OXIDE a super deadly metal used in bio-weapons testing for decades that clogs your cells and blood clotting also explaining quote"this is a perfectly created bio-weapon" (tears you apart from the inside out!) Doctor Sherry Tin penny.
12. Arrest Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates now! SUPER wicked doctor of death and his cohorts of wicked devil mass murderers have been murdering us for many decades now! Fauci responsible for the HIV in the vaccines since the late 80's,90's, AIDS epidemic in AFRICA and killing the gays in America with Hepetitus\HIV in the Vaccines!, responsible for giving 90million+ a cancerous enzyme knowingly in the vaccines! And know one knows he never quit adding it! And because they never removed the main cause of cancer knowingly soft killing us! Now proven fact! So Fauci is still giving billions our grandkids even in the future, cancer because he hasn’t been stopped yet! It's to late in my opinion and we will see countless millions turn into literal ravenous, super drug addicted, starving, ravenous wolf like zombies and millions dropping dead within 2years of this covid-19 bio-weapon injections! Infowarriorsoldiers stand and be counted, it is up to us to save as many as we can from this injection that will kill you and change your DNA forever! All you military and law-enforcement that took the United Nations FEMA hush money need to repent and turn your back on the NWO Mark of the beast system destroying of American liberties. It's time to repent and fight this!

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