Speech on Depth Truth at the National-Anarchist Movement Conference 2017 in Madrid

2 years ago

Peter Töpfer speaks about Deep Truth (Depth Truth) at the National-Anarchist Movement International Conference 17-18 june 2017 in Madrid

More of/on Depth Truth (in action):

Heidegger is the counterpart of Depth Truth: Heidegger stands for everything against which the work is being done at the Institute for Depth Truth (http://tiefenwahrheit.de). He actually is the biggest and shameful loser. Instead of going the way into Trans-Intellectuality, Post-Philosophy, the non-verbal and trans-cognizance, Heidegger went exactly the opposite way ("Holzweg") and pleased himself in inventing even more words and language. Heidegger knew that he was on the Holzweg. He was a traitor of himself. Shame on Heidegger!

Being, Non-being, Depth Truth, Deep Truth, Truth, philosophical, post-philosophical, emotion-centred, Kierkegaard, Post-Philosophy, Post-Existence-Philosophy, Philosophy, Existence-Philosophy, Existentialism, existentialist, Suffering, Torment, Hölderlin, Psychology, Biographical, mental cramps, mental spasm, constraint, constraint of philosophy, mind and feeling, mind, feeling, emotion, Arthur Janov, primal scream, primal therapy, Wilhelm Reich, character analysis, vegetotherapy, orgone, Schelling, Heidegger, Intellectuality, Trans-Intellectuality, non-verbal, trans-cognizance, cognizance, National-Anarchist Movement, National-Anarchism, Keith Preston, attackthesystem, Heidegger, Troy Southgate,

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