Does my Filipina Wife Love me or the Money? How to know

4 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

Love Beyond The Sea is a biblical pro-marriage channel to help encourage and inspire men to pursue a Filipina for marriage.

A Filipina is a woman from the Philippines and can still make you a great wife, as I have discovered myself!

My channel is to equip men for this pursuit and to be the kind of husband every Filipina wants.

I will talk about as many aspects of marital relationships to a Filipina that I can. We've been married since May 10 of 2015, getting married in only 54 days from across the world.

This topic is one I thought I had already made but I guess not so I want to give you my perspective on this trite statement. I have been married to a Filipina for nearly five years and eight months after a rapid 54-day period of getting to know each other. So, my vantage point is one of being committed to my wife and having had a good number of years to form my opinion up close and personal.

Please subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea and like the videos to help more men learn about the best thing in the world-marriage. I have 675 videos to help show you why that is and over 70 podcasts on Podbean on Casting Beyond The Sea.

It is normal when pursuing a Filipina to marry, to wonder if she is marrying you for the money..a little bit maybe? Maybe a lot? A Filipina you are interested in won’t have the material means you will, so it makes sense that she could marry someone to better her situation. But there is a difference between marrying a foreigner FOR his money and marrying a foreigner because you are poor, your family is poor and you want to help your family like you probably have been doing for a while.

I think it would be very good for any man interested in a Filipina to recognize that women from poor countries, don’t want to be poor and they don’t want their families to be poor, and if they have an opportunity to marry a foreigner in a better situation, they will do that. If they could marry someone where they live, they would certainly do that, but if they don’t see that as an option, and she is attractive enough to get a foreign husband, she would be remiss not to do that. It does not mean that she has no interest in being a good wife.

If the Filipina is a good companion, lover, takes care of the house, generally meets your needs, then she is serious about being a wife…too. It doesn’t have to be a case of “she loves the money but not me at all.” I think money or provision or security is always going to be an important element for a Filipina and a man would do well to accept this, and I think most of you do.

Watch "Does my Filipina Wife Love me or the Money? How to know" for my perspective after being married for almost five years and eight months.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmLife #FilAmMarriage

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