Where Can Wisdom Be Found? (Job 28:12, 20) - The Important Question Job Asked During His Trials

4 years ago

“Where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?" is the important question Job asked his friends, and the same question we should ask. By the time we reach Job 28, Job has grown weary of the clichés and platitudes his friends have been giving him in the name of wisdom. He wanted real wisdom. In Job 28:12 he asked, “But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?” and then again in Job 28:20 he asked, “From where, then, does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding?” This is the theme of the chapter: Where is wisdom?

Job and his friends have been debating his trials, and they think they have it all figured out. It’s as simple as Job is terribly suffering because he’s a terrible sinner. But to Job, he doesn’t think he’s been terrible, and he knows some righteous people suffer terribly, and some unrighteous people seem to lack suffering. The truth is unknown to Job and his friends, because they didn’t know about the exchange between God and the devil at the beginning of the book. Job 1:8 and 2:3 The Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?”

The truth was the opposite of what they were saying: Job was suffering because he was so righteous. He’s like the tree that rose above all the others and ended up being struck by lightning as a result. Since he didn’t know this he wanted to know where he could find the wisdom to navigate through his trials.

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Sermon Lessons for Where Should Wisdom Be Found?

Lesson 1: Do we ____________ ____________? (Job 28:1-12; Pro 3:15).

Lesson 2: Wisdom ____ ____________ (Job 28:13-22; 1 Cor 2:7; Matt 11:25; Luke 8:9; Matt 13:10-17).

Lesson 3: Wisdom ______________ to ______ (Job 28:23-28; Rom 1:19-20; Ecc 12:13; Pro 9:10; Psa 110:10).

Family Worship Guide for Where Shell Wisdom Be Found?

Memory Verse: Job 28:12

Day 1: Read Job 28:1-12 and Proverbs 3:15 and discuss: Why did Job’s friends think he suffered? Where did Job say wisdom is NOT found? What do you pursue the most in your life, in other words, where do you invest the most of your time, energy, talents, etc? What do you pursue too often? What should you pursue more?

Day 2: Read Job 28:13-22, 1 Corinthians 2:7, Luke 8:9, Matthew 11:25, 13:10-17 and discuss: Why can’t we find wisdom in creation? Why did Jesus speak in parables? Who is wisdom hidden from? Who is wisdom revealed to? Why is wisdom so valuable?

Day 3: Read Job 28:23-28, Romans 1:19-20, Ecclesiastes 12:13, Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 110:10 and discuss: Where can wisdom be found? What reveals wisdom, or what serves as a demonstration of God’s wisdom? Why is the fear of God associated with wisdom in the Wisdom Literature?

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