Object Relations: Fear Of Success Pt. 1

2 years ago

Blog: https://psychreviews.org/fear-of-success/

One of the ancient pressures mankind faces, and all animals face, is the pressure to succeed. Originally it was just the ability to feed oneself, protect loved ones, and to procreate. In modern times, this pressure is still omnipresent, even if technology has relieved many past labor activities that led to more wear and tear and shorter lifespans. But like Kurt Cobain's Something In The Way modern life still has plenty of obstacles, and regardless of the age we live in, those obstacles are often people and the difficulty of finding a respected place in society. These obstacles start in childhood and then can build into a personality crossroads where some people thirst for challenges but many others loathe them.

Intro: 0:00
Fear Of Success: 0:24
Authenticity At Work, Shame, and Politics: 35:42

Music, video, and photos from Pexels, Storyblocks, Wikipedia, Musopen, and Artlist.io


The 'Wolfman' and Other Cases - Sigmund Freud: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780142437452/

Fried-Buchalter, S. Fear of success, fear of failure, and the imposter phenomenon among male and female marketing managers. Sex Roles 37, 847–859 (1997).

OVESEY L. Fear of Vocational Success: A Phobic Extension of the Paranoid Reaction. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1962;7(2):82–92.

Susan Kavaler-Adler (2006) “My graduation is my mother's funeral”: Transformation from the paranoid-schizoid to the depressive position in fear of success, and the role of the internal saboteur, International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 15:02, 117-130

Hyland, M.E., Dann, P.L. Converging evidence that fear of success is multidimensional. Current Psychology 7,199–206 (1988).

Rabstejnek, Carl. (2015). FEAR OF SUCCESS: A Phenomenon with Assorted Explanations (Including Psychoanalytic, Feminist, and Other Theories).

Davidov J, Eisikovits Z. Free will in total institutions: The case of choice inside Nazi death camps. Conscious Cogn. 2015 Jul;34:87-97.

Childhood and Society - Erik Erikson: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780393310689/

On the Pleasures of Owning Persons: The Hidden Face of American Slavery by Professor Volney Gay: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780996548199/

In Search of Authenticity: Existentialism from Kierkegaard to Camus by Jacob Golomb: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780415119474/

The Psychoanalysis of Career Choice, Job Performance, and Satisfaction: How to Flourish in the Workplace by Paul Marcus: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781138211650/

Freud on Sublimation: Reconsiderations by Volney Patrick Gay: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780791411841/

Management innovation roadmap by Vittorio D'Amato: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9788823844711/

The Analysis of The Self - Heinz Kohut: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780226450124/

How Does Analysis Cure? - Heinz Kohut: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780226006000/

The Search For The Self - Heinz Kohut: Volume 1: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780367328702/ Volume 2: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9781855758742/ Volume 3: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780367328733/ Volume 4: https://www.isbns.net/isbn/9780429907890/

Photo credits:

Gloriette Schönbrunn By Pippobuono - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=47911664

Pentecostal Dove: By Wolfgang Sauber - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10491675

Bloodshot eyes By Philip Bump - Flickr: My eye is getting into the Olympic spirit! #costas4life, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32815246

European Parliament in Brussels By Alina Zienowicz Ala z - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2429230

The Dark Triad - This W3C-unspecified vector image was created with Inkscape. By Aniol - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94648429

European Parliament By Diliff - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=35972521

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