Louise Joy Brown: World's first test tube baby (using IVF) was born in 1978

2 years ago

on July 25, 1978, a baby girl named "Loiuse Joy Brown" came into this world. Well, millions of babies are born every day in the world, but the birth of this girl born in a hospital in Manchester was a special milestone in the field of science.

Louise was the world's first human born through IVF. IVF, i.e. In Vitro Fertilization, is a method in which the egg/ ovum is removed from the woman's ovaries and the sperm is taken from the man, then the egg and sperm are placed together in a petri dish where the sperm and Spores are given suitable environment and solutions through which fertilization of sperm and ovum takes place and after this union first zygote and then embryo is formed. The embryo is then implanted in the woman's uterus (utrues). After which the development of the embryo takes place in the uterus and after a certain time the child is born. Despite the obstacles in the reproductive system of men and women, through IVF, they can be made to have children. Louise's mother had the same problem, she had a blockage in her fallopian tubes due to which it was very difficult for her to have a baby naturally. So, in November 1977, Louise's parents became part of the IVF experiments of the time and thus became the first couple to have a child through IVF. After Louise, she also had a sister through IVF.Also, multiple embryos can be created through IVF and before the embryo is implanted in the uterus, it can be seen that there is no genetic defect in the embryo and the sex of the child (male or female) can also be determined.

However, choosing the sex of the child or not depends on the policy of the IVF institution. It should also be noted that in the IVF process, most of the husband and wife's own sperm are taken.

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