The Bush - Cheney Dynasty is Dead - Commentary on Josh Hammer's Column

2 years ago

Students of American history know that John Quincy Adams was the only son of a President to ALSO become President --- UNTIL the year 2000 when Bush 43 followed in the footsteps of Bush 41.

Then, in 2016, heir apparent Jeb Bush was supposed to get the crown – except this guy named Donald Trump found the REAL pulse of America. And America responded.

People know that Washington has become nothing but a corrupt swamp -- and they wanted their country back.

The problem? Despite Trump trying to right the ship, the swamp threw a ton of sludge his way, and lied their fool heads off to derail his efforts --- to derail THEIR efforts.

Time will tell if the SWAMP successfully smears the man to the point that he can’t stop their controlled demolition of this country, but one thing we do know --- True Americans have seen through the Establishment smoke screen.

In an August 18 op-ed, Josh Hammer writes that the Bush – Cheney dynasty is dead.

How do we know? The next alleged heir apparent, George P. Bush, got slaughtered in the Texas Attorney General’s race a few months back.
He got only 32% of the vote compared to the 68% his opponent received.

And this past week, Liz Cheney – the daughter of Dick Cheney, Bush 41’s secretary of defense and Bush 43’s vice president, lost her congressional re-election bid by 37 points --- the 2nd biggest spread of an incumbent losing in the past 60 years.

Yes folks – TRUE Americans have seen thru the Establishment smoke screen – and they don’t want it --- anymore.

Until next time – be blessed.

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