How to gain Flow in 7 steps

2 years ago


The City. The city can feel boxed in and stifling. The shapes of square buildings have the perception of stress and boredom. Despite increases in the standard of living while people move to cities, people aren’t getting any happier. Suicide rates often hover around the same level for many OECD countries.

When boredom and stress take over, due to life’s disappointments, people often look for anything to numb the pain. One of the heathier ways for me to escape was, getting outdoors. When one gets into a forest, or near mountains the lines aren’t so straight. The trails aren’t so predictable. The colours are refreshing. I can find new labels and perceptions that are relaxing and nourishing. The boredom and stress melts away as I go...hunting for Flow.

Intro: 0:00
Escape 0:32
Stress and boredom 1:38
Flow 3:24
Flow in 7 steps 5:19
What is interest? 7:36
The return home 8:49
Outro 9:16

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Kindle: Paperback:

Running Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Phillip Latter: Kindle: Paperback:

What makes something interesting? - Ben Casnocha

Crafting Fun Experiences: A Method to Facilitate Flow — A Conversation with Owen Schaffer

Brian Halweil and Lisa Mastny (project directors), State of the World 2004: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society, Linda Starke, Editor (N.Y., W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004),, Figure 8-1, p 166

Boards of Canada - Tears from a compound eye

Stock music, footage and photos from Storyblocks

Intro music: Beethoven - Violin Sonata no. 9 'Kreutzer', Op. 47 performed by Edward Auer

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