MassOutdoors special renewing of vows at colt state park bristol rhode island

2 years ago

Welcome to Colt State park in Rhode Island A vlog video of the days events featuring photo and video of this wonderful day by the ocean. for this renew of vows. For the people who attended the caption in the beginning of the video reads as follows, I hope you all like this i did my best enjoy

Family Definition: unbreakable bond threw thick and thin,
life likes to throw curve balls sometimes, on this happy occasion we mourn our losses,
but in reality family never leaves our side even after lifes chains have broken,
The family strives threw the bad weather and the good weather the ups the downs,
and then in one moment things can heal, losses never heal when it comes to family,
but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, we carry on in our lives helping each other,
face the dark and the light together, that is the definition of family,
threw all struggles the family is forever

"we hold all our memories inside good and bad but together we got this"

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