20 08 2022 - Melbourne Protest Rally - Part 6 of 6

2 years ago

Criminals On Patrol immediately start to circle Freedom Rally Protesters off the road.
Clowns In Costumes line up on parliament steps.
Short speech at parliament house.
Criminals On Patrol continue to circle Freedom Rally Protesters off the road.
police truck repeatedly drives by into the way of where the Clowns In Costumes are just missing them each time.
Similar to a slow version of 10 pin bowling but with multiple pins but involving police truck and Clowns In Costumes.
To our knowledge no Criminals On Patrol were harmed during the making of this video.
After being narrowly missed by the police truck - the Clowns In Costumes go up to patrol parliament house steps ( maybe they think it is safer there away from the police truck - perhaps Clowns In Costumes do not trust Criminals On Patrol in trucks ).
police truck comes around yet again for another swipe but only has 2 police bikes and 1 Clown In Costume to confront to play the game of chicken with.
Two Clowns In Costumes riding police bikes skedaddle away together from police truck so they do not get run over by the police truck.
Obviously it looks like Clowns In Costumes do not trust the Criminals On Patrol.

"Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects - Don't Risk Your Child" truck drives by.
View from top of parliament house steps, view of Criminals On Patrol restricting some people of the community from parliament house steps but not others, hypocrisy & double standards.

Dancing at the base of parliament house steps.
NOTE: one of the dancers are doing the dancing to draw attention to the plight of child abuse.
In Melbourne ( and in many other places around the world - and around Australia ) they are taking small children to drag shows and having them mingle with virtually naked people dancing in drag, and people in drag guiding and teaching children their ways.
Clowns In Costumes get called over for a mothers club meeting.
Many rodents go home.
3 Clowns In Costumes appear to be dumbfounded not knowing what to do.
One Clown In Costume goes to a police car and forgets that it is suppose to be the driver with the keys.

You Can Not Comply Your Way Out Of Tyranny.

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