Semen Retention Coitus Reservatus No Fap Why Not Get Married?

3 years ago

Stay tuned for an interesting talk about the supposed benefits of semen retention and Coitus Reservatus. Now why would anyone do that? Watch the video find out. I will say a few words about this too.

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Love Beyond The Sea is a biblical pro-marriage channel to help encourage and inspire men to pursue a Filipina for marriage.

A Filipina is a woman from the Philippines and can still make you a great wife, as I have discovered myself!

My channel is to equip men for this pursuit and to be the kind of husband every Filipina wants.

I will talk about as many aspects of marital relationships to a Filipina that I can. We've been married since May 10 of 2015, getting married in only 54 days from across the world.

Not exactly dinner table conversation but here at Love Beyond The Sea I like to talk about anything marriage related, and today’s topic does involve marriage. I believe most people need to be married because of statements in the Bible but am appalled at the number of men who say they have gone MGTOW or are going to live a stoic life style, accepting that you can’t change women, you can’t change society, they’re going to be good being alone. What a bunch of poppycock. I will of course post the article I will be covering in the description box.

Subscribe to Love Beyond The Sea, a channel that wants to make marriage great again, and the notion of semen retention and coitus reservatus is very strange. It isn’t my idea and I will go through some so-called benefits (mental, spiritual, physical), side effects, how it is different from NoFap, how to do it, (not that you should) and risks. No doubt, I will toss in my two cents since I was single for 53 years until I got married. I can understand the desire for people without a wife to do things like this. Most of us struggle with sexual control.

I will include this is the Controversial Collection Playlist, where you can see my thoughts on love dolls, and virtual mates, among other things. I want people to see this video. Please share it. I’m serious. Please leave comments.

#GWYW #FilAmLife #Marriage

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