The High Energy Woman Summit Interview

2 years ago

9-Day Free Summit hosted by Slavomira Ars Vivendi ("The Art of Living"):

"The main idea of this summit is to create a Vision of a Better World for all of us; to create a Vision of New Way of Being for humanity. I´m committed to be the change, to live the New Way in everything I do, organizing the summit included. For me, it does mean to co-create for higher good, lean into that with all my love, and trust others that they´ll do the same even without signing up an agreement. I trust that the Heart energy invested into supporting a Higher good for all of us will be returned back to us in form of wealth and abundance in various form, money included.

"I believe that you are with me in this, I believe that we CAN change the world just by BEING THE CHANGE. I believe that you´ll find many creative ways how to spread the word about the summit and share the info with as many people as possible. I´m ready to provide you with any other materials you´ll ask me for in addition to what you´ll find below, included transcription of our interview or a video teaser for sharing on socials."

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