Unconfirmed Earthquakes - You Won't Believe This NC and SC

2 years ago

Unconfirmed Earthquakes - You Won't Believe This NC and SC Video:

Honestly NC and SC, I was shocked when I put this presentation together. This video is a research project and a learning tool for those interested in what South Carolina and North Carolina have experienced. The two states, North Carolina and South Carolina have been stunned by the number of unconfirmed earthquakes they've endured. This has been a huge concern for the residents. This video is dedicated to the NC and SC residents, along with the other residents in adjacent states identified on this SC and NC unconfirmed earthquake reports. Those adjacent and mentioned states that are also experiencing unconfirmed earthquakes are Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennesee, and Kentucky to name a few. This video is also a special dedication to my subscribers and one, in particular, TinaMae.

This video is an earthquake report on the unconfirmed earthquakes in NC and SC. The total amount of unconfirmed earthquakes for both states will be provided. You will also see how the reports parallel, the true definition of an unconfirmed earthquake, and more. This video will also take a look at the US as a whole. We also will review an update on the Germany unconfirmed earthquakes that exist.

Unconfirmed Earthquakes Totals For the United States For 2021:
693 Unconfirmed Earthquakes for the United States 2021

Total Earthquakes For the United States: 2845 quakes 3.2 magnitudes and higher for the US during 2021

Never have I heard anything regarding unconfirmed earthquakes specifically in the local news, global news, or even the international news. Unconfirmed Earthquakes (UCE or UCEs) is the one topic people bypass and ignore as if they don't exist. North Carolina and South Carolina have received clusters of earthquakes and many of the clusters were considered unconfirmed earthquakes. I'll provide the 2021 unconfirmed earthquake report and also a report for January 2022 through August 14, 2022, respectively.

We also take a glance at other areas experiencing unconfirmed earthquakes. We'll review the following:

New York, New York unconfirmed earthquakes
Arizona unconfirmed earthquakes
Florida unconfirmed earthquakes
Idaho unconfirmed earthquakes
Connecticut unconfirmed earthquakes
California unconfirmed earthquakes
Washington DC unconfirmed earthquakes
New Jersey unconfirmed earthquakes
Georgia unconfirmed earthquakes
Tennessee unconfirmed earthquakes
Germany's unconfirmed earthquakes and more

Unconfirmed earthquakes are a worldwide event and not just limited to the United States.

What started my fascination with the unconfirmed earthquakes was the significant amounts of Elgin NC unconfirmed earthquakes. There were so many earthquakes in Elgin NC, it was hard to not wonder what was occurring. Several earthquakes on the NC and SC reports are:

Elgin NC unconfirmed earthquakes
Simpsonville SC unconfirmed earthquakes
Columbia SC unconfirmed earthquakes
Whitehall GA unconfirmed earthquakes
Chattanooga TN unconfirmed earthquakes
Greenville SC unconfirmed earthquakes
Athens GA unconfirmed earthquakes
Marysville TN unconfirmed earthquakes
Winston-Salem NC unconfirmed earthquakes
Virginia Beach VA unconfirmed earthquakes
Jacksonville NC unconfirmed earthquakes
Chapel Hill NC unconfirmed earthquakes
Raleigh NC unconfirmed earthquakes and more.

Many of the North Carolina earthquakes and South Carolina earthquakes were unconfirmed. Enjoy the video. It's very eye-opening. In the past, I've seen a great deal of Greenville SC earthquakes that were unconfirmed. There was also a great deal of Whitehall GA earthquakes as well on the North Carolina earthquake list and the South Carolina earthquake list.

Not sure if the global news covers this, but it should be considered global news. If not, it should be considered international news. I don't possess a major in Geology or am I a topologist, yet the earth and its experiences fascinate my curiosity. I honestly have learned to love nature and am crawling my way back to understanding nature from a spiritual sense.
Thanks, subscribers and visitors.

Appreciate you stopping by the channel. This is Phoenix Ankaa bringing new information to you on the Phoenix Ankaa Youtube Channel.

Source For Earthquake Research: Volcano Discovery

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