Harris Creek Bluegrass - Old Flame

2 years ago

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#LovinBluegrass #CarolMcDuffie #Bluegrass #HarrisCreekBluegrass #NCCoastalBluegrass
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Video Copyright Lovin' Bluegrass by Carol McDuffie
Please do not duplicate without written permission.

Harris Creek Bluegrass Band
For booking contact Gary at (910) 340-6282
Email: harriscreekbluegrass@gmail.com

Band Members
Gary Wilson, Banjo
Eric Strange, Guitar
Billy Marshburn, Bass
Tommy Simmons Jr., Mandolin

Find them on YouTube

Located in the coastal region of eastern North Carolina

Old Flames (Can't Hold A Candle To You) Lyrics

Downtown tonight, I saw an old friend, someone who
I use to take comfort from long before I met you
I caught a spark from his eyes of forgotten desire
With a word, or a touch, I could have rekindled that fire
Old flames can't hold a candle to you
No one can light up the night like you do
Flickering embers of love
I've known one or two
But old flames can't hold a candle to you

Sometimes at night, I think of old lovers I've known
I remember how holding them helped me not feel so alone
Then I feel you beside me and even their memories are gone
Like stars in the night lost in the sweet light of dawn

Old flames can't hold a candle to you
No one can light up the night like you do
Flickering embers of love
I've known one or two
But old flames can't hold a candle to you
Old flames can't hold a candle to you

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