Orlaith McAllister Feeling Strong At 40

2 years ago

Many women like to stay in shape and quite often do too much cardio when they are younger and do not realize. They view lifting weights as a way to get "too bulky" and don't like any of significance. Once they are over 40, women do not understand why the cardio no longer works. Their hormones have changed and they really need heavy weight lifting to stay in shape.

Channel Dad Bryon Lape reads an article from the Irish News about Orlaith McAllister, a former model and contestant on Big Brother. Orlaith McAllister is now over 40 and has discovered weight lifting is an excellent way to stay in shape. Orlaith McAllister recently completed her Level 3 PT Diploma and wants to open her own small gym specifically designed for women who feel intimidated by the large, box gyms. Orlaith McAllister says she feels the strongest she has ever felt.

Want to read the article for yourself? Here is the link:

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#OrlaithMcAllister #Fitness #BigBrother

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