Exposed: Why Are Ramaphosa & Cele Afraid To Act? Mpumalanga has Reign of Terror by SAPD & Gangsters!

4 years ago

#PoliceBrutality Corruption Watch’s recent report that Gauteng was most corrupt and KZN second most corrupt, seems to be debunked by this whistleblower! Mpumalanga Province leaders and authorities appear to have followed ex Free-state Premier Ace Magashule's playbook, and turned the province into a gangster state aswell, where citizens live in fear.

SA-News received a video where a whistleblower has named names and exposed criminals and SAPD officers and municipal officials who are involved in a reign of terror in Mpumalanga province.

He thanks Gauteng SAPD for killing three high profile Mpumalanga gangsters recently, who he also names.

In the second part of this expose video he covers corruption in Lydenburg SAPS and Thaba Chweu Local Municipality. He also claimed SABC in Mpumalanga is captured! No surprise there.

He says they are sick and tired of being ruled by criminals and thugs who are above the law in Mpumalanga province

He demands that 90% of Station Commanders must be removed and claims that Mpumalanga has had 40% of cash heists, but not a single person has been arrested!

This makes a mockery of Corruption Watch’s recent report that KwaZulu-Natal was the second most corrupt province during the first half of 2020, according to their 2020 Analysis of Corruption Trends (ACT) Report released on Tuesday.

One has to ask if they rely on a corrupt system to provide them figures and facts about corruption? That is SA in a nutshell isn't it?

The report demonstrated growing concern about corruption levels in South Africa, and reflected a spike in whistle-blower reports during Covid-19, with 1,995 complaints recorded over six months.

KZN was second to Gauteng with 13% of corruption reports. The majority of these, at 5.8 %, came from the eThekwini Municipality. Whistle-blower reports from KZN increased from 11% recorded over the same period last year.

This year 44% of reports came from Gauteng, with the Western Cape in third place with 10%.

Corruption Watch’s Melusi Ncala, the report’s primary researcher, said this snapshot showed graft that had manifested in every sphere of government, with the complicity of the private sector, represented silent, but deadly, destruction that affected the poorest people who were brutalised by corrupt individuals.

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